

We are not makers of history. We are made by history. Every time we hear the word Vigan first thought that comes in our mind is about old architectures and old transportations. But, it's not just a mere old city with old architectures and old transportation, it is more than that, it is a city with soul. It's a place where we are able to see a historical figures and museums. In addition, we are able to experience the calesa ride which is the way of transportation in the past. In Vigan, we are able to witness a unique kind of historical experience and able to HAVE A GLANCE IN THE PAST!   Calesa in Vigan Vigan was established during the Spanish regime or 16th century. It's best to describe as the best-preserved example of Spanish colonial town. Its architectures are influenced by the cultural elements of the Philippines and by the different cultural elements from China, Mexico, and Spain.   Vigan is quite unique from any other historical places b